Common Myths

Myths #1

It's OK to take a pill that was prescribed for someone else.
  • There is a growing perception among youth that abusing prescription drugs is "controlled" or "safe." So one might wonder, "Is taking someone else's prescription medication, even for a good reason, a safe thing to do?"...

Myths #2

Prescription drugs are not as dangerous to abuse as illegal drugs are to use or abuse.
  • Numerous studies, including the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), report that, overall, young adult drug abuse is on the decline. However ...

Myths #3

Over-the-counter drugs are not as dangerous as prescription drugs because they don't require a prescription.
  • You might assume that medications that can be freely purchased (over-the-counter) are not very dangerous because they are so easily accessible. After all, anyone can walk into a pharmacy or drug store and purchase something like a pain killer! ...

Myths #4

It's always OK to keep using or administering a medicine, such as a cough suppressant or pain killer, until the symptoms are gone.
  • You may be tempted, when using medicines like cough syrups or pain killers, to continue using the medicine as long as symptoms continue....

Myths #5

Acetaminophen, an over-the-counter drug is always safe to use.
  • Acetaminophen (N-acetyl-para-aminophenol) is an over-the-counter drug used for analgesic (pain relieving) and antipyretic (fever-reducing) purposes. It has been available in the United States since the 1950s. ...