Indiana University Indiana University IU

Indiana Prevention Resource Center (IPRC)

Smokeless and dissolvable tobacco

With a rise in city-wide smoking bans, more and more smokers may be on the lookout for ways to either quit smoking or quit tobacco altogether. The tobacco industry has stepped in with a few clever alternatives which allow smokers to satisfy their craving or need for tobacco while not disturbing others with an offending smell.

With makers Ariva & Stonewall and RJ Reynolds producing new dissolvable tobacco in the form of sticks, tablets and strips, these and other forms of smokeless tobacco are making their way to the front of the market. Even though its shape and packaging makes it look similar to gum or candy, dissolvable tobacco is being marketed as a smoking cessation tool.

Although this innovative product is marketed as being “better” or “healthier” than smoking tobacco, smokeless and dissolvable tobaccos are not good alternatives. By trading one form of tobacco for another, one is not addressing the issue at hand-nicotine addiction. Aside from the dangers of nicotine, there is always the question of what happens to the body with the use of tobacco. Tobacco has been shown to be a cause of cancer. With smoking leading to lung cancer and dip, or chew, leading to mouth, throat and stomach cancers, similar forms of smokeless tobacco such as Snus or Orbs could possibly lead to the same.

by Alyssa Jones, 4/9/2010