Indiana University Indiana University IU

Indiana Prevention Resource Center (IPRC)

What is the Strategic Prevention Framework?

The Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP) Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) is a systematic, community-based process to support the effectiveness of prevention efforts. The framework consists of assessment, capacity-building, planning, implementation, evaluation, sustainability, and cultural competence. The SPF State Incentive Grant (SPF-SIG) is a federal grant to the states to support the implementation and institutionalization of the SPF at the state and local levels. The Indiana Prevention Resource Center (IPRC) supports SPF-SIG funded communities through Technical Assistance and Evaluation services.

An experienced team of technical assistance specialists and evaluators assist communities in successfully maneuvering through each SPF phase via onsite consultations, trainings, and resources. This team provides guidance on evidence-based intervention selection, evaluation plan development, process and outcome evaluation, and data analysis and interpretation. The IPRC has access to an educated and experienced staff, the university community, and state-of-the art technology. These assets are of great benefit and value to communities working with the IPRC. One grantee notes:

Indiana SPF-SIG

"The IPRC has been our best ally in terms of understanding the strategic prevention process and translating it into action on the community level. The technical assistance we have, and continue to receive, has been invaluable! IPRC staff have supported our efforts every step of the way during this assessment phase in which we needed to gather and analyze data from many different sources. Our analysis of arrest data, in particular, relied primarily on the expertise of the IPRC."

For more information visit:

Center for Substance Abuse Prevention: http://prevention.samhsa.gov/about/spf.aspx
Indiana SPF SIG: http://www.drugs.indiana.edu/consult-spf.html

By Jeanie Alter,   5/28/2008