Indiana University Indiana University IU

Indiana Prevention Resource Center (IPRC)

National Drug Facts Week 2011

The second annual National Drug Facts Week will be held October 31 through November 6th.  Congressmen and women from California and Massachusetts introduced legislation for the first annual National Drug Facts Week which took place in 2010.  National Drug Facts Week (NDFW) is sponsored by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), a component of the National Institutes of Health, to help teens, schools, and community groups organize events and activities to raise awareness and offer teens factual information about drugs and drug abuse.  These events give teens the opportunity to learn science based facts about drug abuse and addiction.

The website at http://drugfactsweek.drugabuse.gov/ provides these resources so that teens can participate online or plan their own National Drug Facts Week events:

  • Drug Facts Chat Day will be held on November 1st from 8am to 6pm EST.  Each year NIDA scientists have a Web chat with thousands of teens who ask questions about drugs.  Registration is limited but transcripts from previous years are available on the website.
  • "Drug Facts: Shatter the Myths," the National Drug Facts Week Q&A booklet that answers teens' most frequently asked questions about drugs and drug abuse.
  • “National Drug IQ Challenge,” an interactive twenty question quiz to test one’s knowledge on drugs and drug abuse.
  • An Event Toolkit to guide event planners through the process entitled, “Getting Started: 6 Steps to Hosting a NDFW Event.”
  • An activities page with 20 different activity suggestions including a Teens vs. Adults edition of the National Drug IQ Challenge, Facebook Scavenger Hunt, Teaming up with a Local Sports Celebrity, or showing an HBO addictions film such as “Saturday Night in a Dallas ER.”


For more information about National Drug Facts Week and how to get involved visit the links below.


By Ted Adams, 10/28/2011