Indiana University Indiana University IU

Indiana Prevention Resource Center (IPRC)

Non-Fatal Emergency Department Visits Involving Opioids*: Jackson, IN
Year of Data: 2019
Data Source: Indiana State Department of Health, Division of Trauma and Injury. Retrieved from https://gis.in.gov/apps/isdh/meta/stats_layers.htm on March 23, 2023.
Table 9.3 Non-Fatal Emergency Department Visits Involving Opioids*
Number of non-fatal ER visits involving any opioid overdose 29 5,064
Rate per 100,000 population 65.6 75.2
*Note: Data consists of patients who received emergency services without being admitted to the hospital. Data reported by county of residence. Data are suppressed when counts are <5. Rates based on counts less than 20 are considered unstable/unreliable and should be interpreted with caution. Please note: ISDH has updated statistics for 2016-2018 to reflect updated guidance from the CDC. Please be cautious when analyzing overdose data from previous years as the numbers have changed.